Mitch White

Mitch White

Freelance Audio Engineer, 2011 Recording Connections Certified Audio Engineer

Appears in 34 Episodes

Surviving a Heart Attack and Remembering What Matters Most with Jim and Kathy Paullin

June 2022 at a business event outside of St. Louis Jim Paullin slips out of a meeting and has a massive heart attack in the lobby of his hotel and is rushed to the hos...

The Hunt - Thundering Aspens Sportsman's Club

A group of guys go on a pheasant hunt in Mesick, Michigan at Thundering Aspens Hunt Club. This is a discussion on that morning, what they learned, and insights on life.

Insight on Business and Politics from a Modern Day Renaissance Man Dean Parker - Chairman of Vita Capital

Dean is a modern-day renaissance man. A serial entrepreneur he has businesses in tech, real estate development, aviation, and security. When he is not working he finds...

Drayton Wade - Kognitos, Head of Product Strategy and Business Operations

Drayton Wade helps UiPath IPO in 2021 and then makes a career leap to take two years to attend Dartmouth's highly prestigious Tuck School of Business for an MBA. While...

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